I've had the opportunity to see and experience many things already in my young career. It is a very fulfilling job where you get to meet people you wouldn't normally have access to, get to see things people rarely see, and get to do things you never thought you would.
A highlight has been the chance to cover the sport I grew up playing, at the highest level possible. Basketball is a great sport overall, and it photographs well. The field of play is reasonably small (unlike soccer), the players don't wear face-masks (so emotion is easy to capture, unlike football), the access is good (unlike hockey where you shoot through a little hole in the window) and the action is continuous (unlike baseball).
The ultimate treat as been to get to cover games in which Canadian Steve Nash, the best point guard to have played in the NBA, played. I played highschool and college varsity looking up to that player, and trying to learn from his skills, ethics and overall sense for the game.
Here are a few pictures from his latest visit to Toronto.

OMG!!!... c'est incroyable... chanceux!! Dis toi que il y a au moins une personne jalouse de toi sur cette planète!
Always with the tounge out the side of his mouth!