August 02, 2010

Caribana 2010 (T.O)

The biggest Caribbean parade in North America. Organizers claim there are more than a million people participating and attending, which is a major overstatement but everybody seems to benefit from the juiced up numbers (and reporters can't be bothered to venture an accurate estimate and call them on the lie).

Even if the actual figure is far less than half what they claim; there is a lot of - sweaty, horny, festive - people.

I tend to get migraines from the mix of loud music and big crowds; which is why I never look forward to covering these events. If it wasn't for my job, I'd never get anywhere near these things.

But as I've said before, the variety of assignments makes Toronto such a great city to work in, so it's with eagerness and good earplugs that I tackled this year's Caribana Parade.

Good pictures are easy to make; great pictures are very rare. It is what it is, costumes are colourful, people are dancing, "like shooting fish in a barrel" my colleague Andrew said. But good moments - the photojournalistic sense of the word - are rarely encountered because the event lasts all day and is spread all over the four-kilometre route.

I (unsuccessfully) headed out looking for great pictures (I always keep an eye open for the zinger.) It didn't happen this time around - it almost never does - but here are a few of the good - not great - photos from that day.

This was last year's post

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