March 17, 2009

Kiwi Report (Auckland, NZ)

Good evening in North America, good night in Europe; here it’s the top of the morning. Well, let’s be safe and say "early morning", because I never quite got which part of the morning was the top, it just sounded cool.

Anyway, short post, just that one picture, today is a work day. I had the alarm on, I took a quick shower and I’m having a quick McDonald’s breakfast (not because I wanted the toxic food but because I thought, wrongfully so, that I’d have free Wi-Fi here). Today I’m with the New Zealand Herald, the national newspaper. I got to meet the photo editor (illustration manager as they call it here) yesterday, and I’m spending some time with them today. Networking my way through things, as always.

I’m spending a few days with Severine, whom I’ve met here (our paths will probably cross again in Sydney towards the end of my trip). We took a ferry to a superb suburb called Devonport where we climbed a hill and watched the sunset from that good vantage point.

So far, considering that the big city is supposed to be the ugly part of this landscapy/natury country, it’s pretty promessing.

More on Auckland next time.



  1. Grandiose! Je suis sûr que les Aucklandais n'ont pas encore vue leur ville ainsi.

    Vivement la suite!

    Vieux Vex

  2. So who is Severine?
