Just as I was thinking to myself that everything was going alright and that I was stressed for no reason, as I was eating a disgusting Caesar salad at LAX, I hear an announcement that on my flight there’s a 7 kg limit for carry-ons.
Of course all my camera gear weighs way more. The Air New Zealand guy wanted me to check the back and I told him that there’s no way my gear leaves my sight. A little sweet-talk got me enough pity to get to keep my gear with me (though I had to have the computer and a camera on me during the whole flight), but what if this hadn’t worked?
Just a little reminder that, especially when you’re far from home, it doesn’t take much for things to go South (or North, whichever one is the wrong way in this hemisphere).
I took advice from different people:
-Last thing I did on Canadian soil was to buy and eat a Tim Horton’s honey-cruller (good idea Karen).
-Just before my trans-Pacific flight, I took Ron’s suggestion to buy an inflatable pillow, which made my 11-hour flight, barely endurable.
-And a few times along the way, I had a Diet Pepsi; thanks Fred!
The rain sounds like a train, it comes fast, it pours like hell (makes buildings shake), and goes away. Until the next train.
I have to say I’m really thankful for the clouds because this morning, the heat and humidity were unbearable (35 degrees, 78% humidity).
So I decided to do what locals do, which is, not much. I took a walk “downtown”
This photo was snapped out the window as the driver was on his way to drop me off at the so-called hotel.
Internet is not easy to find around here so it might be a while before the next post.
Un "so called" hotel et un "downtown" Apia donnent à penser que la région est plutôt "rustique"... J'ai bien hâte de voir ta hutte, avec ou sans guillemets!
ReplyDelete-Vieux Vex
Great shot. I wish I was there.
ReplyDeleteIt snowed a bit here yesterday.
Im glad you sweet talked your way out of checking your gear. Hope things turn up! I mean, look at where you are!
C'est poche que les Néoziens t'aient donné du fil à retordre. J'espère que t'auras pas les mêmes problèmes dans quelques jours.
ReplyDeleteBelle photo! J'ai hâte de voir la hutte!
Wow ca y est!!! Je suis vraiment contente que tu prennes la peine de donner des nouvelles!
ReplyDeleteJ'ai hâte de voir d'autre photos et j'espère que tout se passe bien pour toi!!!!
Profites-en au max!!
Glad to hear you made it okay to Samoa, and got to stay in your 'hut on the beach'.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to more pics! :)
I could try to fedex you a honey-cruller.